Our Locations
In addition to our headquarters, we have one satellite office in North Dakota.
We provide services in person and/or telehealth throughout the state.
All services are by appointment and pre-pay only.
All services are available throughout the state of ND.
Call our office headquarters for any questions.
A.D.A.P.T. Inc.
1720 Burnt Boat Drive #204
Bismarck, ND 58503
Office: 701-255-3717
Fax: 701-955-8956
Email: bismarck8@adaptincnd.com
Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm CDT
After Hours cell until 8:00 pm CDT: 701-471-4708
The Bismarck Headquarters Office offers
in-person services for:
Substance Use/DUI/APC/MIP Evaluations
Anger Management Evaluations
Domestic Violence Evaluations
DUI Seminars
Anger Management Classes
Domestic Violence Classes
Dickinson ADAPT Office
141 3rd Street W. # 6
Dickinson, ND 58601
Office: 701-225-7101
Fax: 701-955-8956
After Hours Cell: 701-471-5213
Email: dickinson@adaptincnd.com
Office Hours: 7:00am - 9:00pm CDT
Dickinson Office offers in-person services for:
Domestic Violence Evaluations & Classes
Anger Management Evaluations & Classes
Devils Lake, ND
Phone: 701-662-8174
Email: devilslake@adaptincnd.com
Fargo, ND
Phone: 701-232-1080
Email: fargo@adaptincnd.com
Grand Forks, ND
Phone: 701-772-1011
Email: grandforks@adaptincnd.com
Minot, ND
Phone: 701-858-9026
Email: minot@adaptincnd.com
Williston, ND
Phone: 701-572-3825
Email: williston@adaptincnd.com